escort herbicide label. Bloomberg Regulatory Product Manager Bayer Environmental Science A Division of Bayer CropScience LP 5000 CentreGreen Way, Suite 400 Cary, NC 27513. escort herbicide label

 Bloomberg Regulatory Product Manager Bayer Environmental Science A Division of Bayer CropScience LP 5000 CentreGreen Way, Suite 400 Cary, NC 27513escort herbicide label 5 gal

Spray volume should be sufficient to uniformly cover foliage. Product per acre Timing 2,4-D Amine Many trade names 1 to 2 quarts First or second year rosettes Metsulfuron* Escort/Cimarron 0. Picloram 4-amino-3,5,6. Bloomberg: The Agency, in accordance with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act DuPont™ Escort® XP Herbicide Version 2. Find supplemental labels for this product. You may also contact 1-800-992-5994 for emergency medical treatment information. Call a physician or. No endorsement is intended, nor is any criticism implied of similar products not mentioned. )ClearView™ Herbicide . (Related Registered Product): 101563-167, ESCORT XP HERBICIDE Agent Name: BAYER U. Biopesticides are certain types of pesticides derived from such natural materials as animals, plants, bacteria, and certain minerals. ESCORT® XP is recommended for the control of annual and perennial weeds and unwanted woody plants on private, public and military lands, on rights-of-way, industrial sites, ESCORT® XP HERBICIDE is registered for the control of annual and perennial weeds and unwanted woody plants on private, public and military lands, on rights-of-way, industrial sites, non-crop areas, ditchbanks of dry drainage ditches, certain types of unimproved turf grass, an d conifer and hardwood plantations, Address: 5000 CENTREGREEN WAY, SUITE 400 City, State Zip: CARY, NC 27513 First Registered Date: MARCH 28, 1986 Current Status (Date): Registered (MARCH 28, 1986) Restricted Use: NO Labels SLN/24 (c) Chemical Alt Brand Name Inactive Alt Brand Name Transfer History Site Pest Version: 2. ESCORT® XP HERBICIDE Version 3. Special Local Needs Number: HI060004 Company Name: BAYER ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE. When tank-mixing, use only in accordance with the most restrictive precautions and limitations on the respective product labels, andEscort is an herbicide that when applied will severely harm the list of plants you provided. Re-sprouts and increased stem densities lead to more mowing – and more costs. When making new plantings of prairiegrass or wildflowers, carry-over from persistent herbicides such as sulfonyl-urea, imidazolinone, triazine, substituted urea, dinitroanaline, and. May 10, 2019 (PDF) 432-1549. In addition to herbicide labels, you can view restrictions for crop rotation restrictions in the 2019 Guide for Weed, Disease, and Insect Management in Nebraska (pg. Artemis Chemical Replacement Technology. When tank mixing, use the most restrictive label limitations for each of the products being used in the tank mix. Product Name Accepted Date; 432-1549: ESCORT XP HERBICIDE: February 24, 2021 (PDF) 432-1549: ESCORT XP HERBICIDE: May 10, 2019 (PDF) 432-1549: ESCORT XP HERBICIDEMETHOD 240SL HERBICIDE is non-corrosive to spray equipment. ESCORT® XP controls many annual and perennial weeds and woody plants in non· . For PRODUCT USE Information Call 1-866-99BAYER (1-866-992-2937). March 20, 2020 (PDF) 432-1561. As with any crop-protection product, always read and. ESCORT® XP HERBICIDE 2/11 Version 3. Below you will find Label and Safety Data Sheets for all of the products we have available to you. 8% Balance Not available 40. If endangered plant species occur in proximity to the application site, leave 200 foot untreated buffer zone. Contains an antifoam/defoam component and will not. Escort® XP Herbicide is registered for the control of annual and perennial weeds and unwanted woody plants on private, public and military lands, on rights-of-way, industrial sites, non-crop areas, ditch banks of dry drainage ditches, certain types of unimproved turf grass, and conifer and hardwood plantations, including grazed areas on these. Always read and follow label. Concentration % by weight Metsulfuron-methyl 74223-64-6 60. Birk, Ph. May 11, 2015 (PDF) June 21, 2011 (PDF) Imazapyr, isopropylamine salt. It is the simple answer for several significant, unique needs, such as reducing the impact of toxic fescue through seedhead suppression and improving hay quality by. Product Name: AIM EW EPA Registration. July 07, 2015 (PDF) 352-601. Both products control many grassy and broadleaf weeds, and by. This dispersible granule, post-emergent herbicide mixes in water for spray application and controls many annual and perennial weeds and woody plants in non-crop areas and conifer plantations. other herbicides or adjuvants. this label, find someone to explain it to you in detail. Download Product Label. The latest label is at the top of the list. Container) Accord® XRT II (2. This. Vastlan herbicide provides a solid foundation for brush control programs with the flexibility to be used in a variety of applications. Brand Name Inactive Alt. - CROP SCIENCE Agent Address: 700 CHESTERFIELD PARKWAY WEST Agent City, State Zip: CHESTERFIELD, MO. Title: Herbicide Sensitivity. Environmental Science U. DuPont Escort RP Herbicide (Rangeland and Pastures) Registant's Response to Agency Reviews. ESCORT® XP HERBICIDE must be used only in accordance with instructions on this label or in. READ ENTIRE LABEL BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT. DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Accord, Roundup, Hyvar X) Understand factors that affect herbicide selectivity:2 Specimen Label Revised 12-12-22 Storage and Disposal Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage and disposal. This chart is for your reference only. 2 DIRECTIONS aFOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Escort XP Herbicide is applied with ground or aerial equipment, and offers flexible application timing. WEEDAR 64 BROADLEAF HERBICIDE. LINDBERGH BLVD. benzoate Ally, Escort 60% Paraquat 1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium dichloride Gramoxone Extra 2. 0 Sulfonated aromatic polymer, sodium salt 68425-94-5 3. Similar or equivalent to: Associate 600WSG (1) Apache (2) - this also contains aminopyralid Mustang (3) Synergy MET600 (3) Eradicate 600 (4) Escort (5) - no longer available but well-known amongst farmers DuPont™ Escort® XP Herbicide Version 2. Plateau. Plateau® provides long-term suppression of common roadside grasses like tall fescue, Bahiagrass and smooth bromegrass – as well as invasive and noxious species like cheatgrass and leafy spurge. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION Si usted no entiende la etiqueta, busque a alguien para que se la explique a usted en detalle. No. And its wide window of application gives. 130000036195 1 / 12 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION Si usted no entiende la etiqueta,. This product offers consistent, season-long performance against grass and small-seeded broadleaf weeds. 0 / CDN Revision Date: 02/25/2016 102000030325 Print Date: 02/25/2016 SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURES Description of first aid measures General advice When possible, have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. It provides an economical post-patent alternative. For reliability and versatility, nothing beats Plateau®. Rifle Herbicide 23 5. NO. The active ingredient in Oust XP herbicide blocks cell division in the weed's active growing areas of stems and roots. Any weed population may contain plants naturally resistant to Group 9 herbicides. Tank-mix flexibility with GrazonNext® HL herbicide lets them broaden the control spectrum, or when residual weed control is desired. FIFRA Section 24(c) Special Local Need Label . Whe!1 using a tank"'mix, refer t'O 'the labeling of the companion product and precautionsEscort® XP Herbicide must be used only in accordance with instructions on this label or in separately published Bayer Cropscience LP instructions. 45% 4. Below you will find Label and Safety Data Sheets for all of the products we have available to you. g. Labels / SDS Specimen Label, NVA 2008-04-123. Keystone Pest Solutions Escort XP Herbicide - 8 Ounces [432-1549] - Escort XP Herbicide (8 Ounces) Escort XP Herbicide is a water dispersible granule that controls weeds and woody plants primarily by post-emergent activity. Generally SUSCEPTIBLE to severe injury or kill-- Herbicide performance often depends on application rate, surfactants and other additives used in the herbicide, timing of. There are no haying or grazing restrictions. Envoy Plus® delivers consistent post-emergent control of troublesome annual and perennial grasses. Information section of this label for a description of noncrop sites. No. March 20, 2020 (PDF) 432-1561. SENCOR DF 75% DRY FLOWABLE HERBICIDE. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. 25 to 0. Some herbicides. Container) Accord® XRT II (30 gal. This guide is not intended to substitute for a product label. ESCORT® XP may be tank mixed with other herbicides registered for the use sites described in this label. Reg Review Label Acceptable v. Repeat spot applicationsActivator adjuvants: commonly are used to enhance postemergence herbicide performance. Altamont. 2,4-DB DMA 200 (2. Bayer CropScience LP will. Call a poison control center or doctor for further treatment advice. Ally XP herbicide delivers postemergence control of more than 30 key broadleaf weeds in cereal crops and fallow. Service Type: Agricultural, Greenhouse - Nursery. of Monosodium acid methanearsonate (MSMA) per gallon. Harmful if absorbed through skin. DETAIL provides both residual pre-emergence and post-emergence broadleaf weed control in non-cropland areas, including, but not limited to, railroad, utility, pipeline and highway rights-of-way, railroad crossings and rail yards, roadside, utility plant sites. Document (PDF) (1001 KB PDF). 0 Sulfonated aromatic polymer, sodium salt 68425-94-5 3. S. SUMMARY: Primarily used as a postemergence herbicide across the United States, Escort XP cost-effectively controls many annual and perennial weeds, plus tough woody plants. Plus, it has an excellent plant safety profile. Download Safety Data. ALLY XP herbicide is not registered for use inAlamosa, Conejos, Costilla, RioGrande, and Saquache counties of Colorado. Escort XP Herbicide, 16 oz. Special Local Needs Number: HI160002 Company Name: BAYER ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE. 5 pints per acre provides the most consistent control of Sericea lespedeza across multiple application timings (Figure 1). Herbicide labels contain specific guidelines for time intervals between site preparation and tree planting for various crop tree species. BEFORE USING wALLY" HERBICIDE, READ AND CAREFULLY NOTE THE CAUTIONARY STATEMENTS AND OTHER PROCEDURAL INFORMATION. The effects of METHOD 240SL HERBICIDE may be seen on plants from within a few hours to a few days. July 12, 2018 (PDF) 352-611. Environmental Hazards This product is toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. ESCORT® may be used for general weed and brush control on industrial non-crop sites and for selective weed control in particularly critical where desirable vegetation or crops are grown on neighboring land for which the use of ESCORT® XP HERBICIDE is not labeled. See all solutions. Perfect to apply in industrial areas, rights-of-way, forestry, and non-crop sites, killing unwanted weeds and grasses such as chickweed. Packaging. Read and follow the labels on all products used in the tank mix. Not all products recommended on this label are registered for use in California. University recommendations from neighboring states 3. Augustinegrass, Bermudagrass and Zoysiagrass (Meyer and Emerald): Apply 0. 1 Revision Date 04/26/2012 Ref. Telar helps to control invasive weeds in western rangelands. Garlon® XRT herbicide is the greenest and the most concentrated formulation in the forestry industry, offering unrivaled flexibility and the ability to be used for site prep, midrotation release, forest roadside brush removal and the establishment of wildlife openings. Tables are broken into (1) conifer site preparation, (2) hardwood plantation site preparation, (3) hardwood natural regeneration site preparation, (4) conifer early release, (5) early hardwood release, (6) cut surface herbicides used for. Save for later Print. With contact and residual control, Patriot burns down existing weeds and keeps late flushes down for four to six weeks. It is important not only to use a herbicide with the correct concentration of the correct active ingredient, but also the one labeled for a specific crop or site. Technical Specifications. label for details. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to thisDecember 17, 2020 (PDF) 71368-1. HARMONY EXTRA XP HERBICIDE. IN: Increased penetration without cuticle disruption. urimproYed. Broadleaves: Bindweed, knapweed, leafy spurge, horseweed/marestail, kochia, poison hemlock, prickly lettuce, Russian thistle, Canada thistle and more . Pesticide Storage: Store above 28ºF or warm to 40ºF and agitate before use. November 08, 2018 (PDF) 71368-1. 178-191) or in the excerpted table, Replant Options and Rotation Restrictions. TELAR XP HERBICIDE. Always read the label and keep in mind “the label is the law. Product Name Accepted Date; 101563-177: METHOD 240SL HERBICIDE: November 16, 2023 (PDF) 432-1565: METHOD 240SL HERBICIDE: October 28, 2022 (PDF)Recommended Herbicide Mix. (4) Restrictions based on degree of new seedlings established before grazing. The most extensive pasture weed control available. Inhalation Move to fresh air. TELAR® XP herbicide is a dry flowable that is mixed inESCORT® XP HERBICIDE 2/10 Version 2. TELAR XP HERBICIDE. Labelled for use in non-cropping & non-grazed sites. (Related Registered Product): 101563-167, ESCORT XP HERBICIDE Agent Name: BAYER U. HARMONY EXTRA XP HERBICIDE. recommended on this label. Herbicide labels and recommendations from herbicide. 524-500. Have a product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. can alter the physical characteristics of the spray solution. If. Products shipped after eighteen (18) months from the date of this letter must bear the new revised label. Weeds grow quickly and make native grasses and plants compete for nutrients. There is no Alternate Brand Name. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 970-534-3433 or kristie. Now, you can upgrade to something even better: Chopper ® GEN2. metsulfuron methyl Escort XP, Patriot, MSM 60 none none 4 hours no metsulfuron-methyl + 2,4-D + dicamba Cimarron Max none, except for lactating dairy animals ( 7 days). Product Name: Oust XP Herbicide EPA Registration Number: 432-1552 Application Date: 6-12-15 Decision Number: 505986. Apply as a high volume spray. DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. 83% by wt. DuPont ™ Escort ® Herbicide Version 2. induslriallurt and nalive perennial grasses.